Beautiful, together with pretty or soulfull or marvellous and similar expressions is adjective we often use to indicate something that we like. In this sense, often what is considerd beautiful was at the same time considered as 'Good'.
Still, we all must agree that ideal of beauty was different at certain time or place.That notion pehaps can lead us to another problem, which is relativism, as somebody could argue that concept of beauty can not be separated from context of time, historical periods and cultures.
On this pages, when we spoke about the music, we saw two different views, first is a thought that there must be a single rule of 'Beauty' valid for all music who tends to be considered as jazz or 'Good' and second principal that starts with notion that 'beautiful' music is not immutable and that depends on many different influences, but than it may not be called jazz, regarding to some.
So,I am wondering are we trying to distinguish what exactly is jazz music, or what is Beautiful music?
Does that means that all jazz music is 'Good' music?
This is in fact (pardon my simplification) philosophical question for thousands of years (definition of beautiful and good) but somehow it imposes self here again, because lots of times here there is not any explanation why is something considered as 'good' music and why it is not.
I have said something about my preferences, with few thouhts about 'tone and sound' , but it would be interesting to find out more about the subject from all participants here, if that would not be considered as boring or shallow?
So, gentlemen, the space is all yours, next time when somebody writes a critic thought, would be nice to say why somebody likes or dislikes something. Than perhaps, we could come to a point where we could express our thoughts about aesthetics and ethics and their connection in music and in general.