I recently purchased an Oppo BDP 83SE as it replaced my PS3(first edition). I am a home theater buff(75/25) and pay very close attention to audio detail.

I configured the Oppo 83SE for 7.1 analogue and noticed an immediate positive difference in the audio spectrum as opposed to HDMI audio. I left the HDMI for video duties. I set all my speakers to small and set my distances and left the trims at 0..

A/B Comparision: There was a cleaner and blacker field between sounds. Voices in Transformers 2 were cleaner and more real. Explosions had more dramatic impact and sense of dimension. The surround effects were more prominent, detailed and more precise than in digital. Sounds that were low keyed or voiced jumped out more but weren't overdone. Overall the soundstage was very articulate and had greater realism. My Onkyo SC-885 processor is simply amazing for home theater but I chose the better processing of the SE as the analogue in the Oppo SE is just astonishing....Unbeatable.....

I will later post results in 2 channel analogue as I cant stop feeding all my blu rays to test this machine!!!!LOL

I am extremely impressed with the Oppo BDP 83SE's player. I hadn't experienced analogue before and didnt know what I was missing. On the video side the picture on my Samsung 58" plasma looked amazing...The Oppo really put alot into this machine and gets great regards from me...GOOD JOB!!! AAA+++

Regards Bacardi
"Isn't the case not really using HDMI vs analog, but using the Oppo's DAC converter vs the Onkyo or PS3?...
...i.e. using Analog outputs sounds better with the Oppo because the Oppo SE's higher quality DAC's are being utilized, while if HDMI was used for audio, the lower quality DAC in the Onkyo would be used."

Oh if it where only that simple! The believe the reality is is that there's more variables to the equation than simply a matter of DAC quality. And if what is being inferred here - that you can simply chose a high end DVD player, and not need an outboard AV processor - where the case, I garantee all the pro's would be using this route to process their movies! After all, the most direct path of lesser components should be a more pure fidelity potential, correct? But I believe, when you're dealing with analog out from a player source, you're dealing with not only DAC quality, but all that's entailed in the preamplification stage, analog output, buffering, impeadance, etc.
I'm not so sure it will work as well this way, bypassing outboard processing for digital dolby and dts, personally. And if it were, we'd all surely be going direct from something like a moded OPPO, analog out, straight to our amplifiers! Sounds reasonable enough, right?
My own experiences over the years has been that processing the dolby and DTS material from DVD sources have always sounded (not to mention the ability of bass mgment, DSP,etc)rather flat and 2 dimmensional, compared to processing in an outboard dedicated av pre or receiver via a digital connection. And, while I've had excellent- even better - results often processing PCM 2 channel sources via the analog outs on DVD players, I've never found one case -at least before the newer HD codecs were introduced- where going straight from any level of DVD player, analog out, direct to an amp, sounded better for digital movie sound! And I've used some ultra high end 2 channel gear and multi-channel setups in my own projects. And believe me, if I could have gotten away with processors, I woulda. But it never worked. That's my experience anyway.
This all, however, should be easy enough to break down. All that's needed is a few questions posted on this to the pro av reviewers out there from various publishings, discussing this very topic. See what they have to input, and make some more assessments on the subject.
I bet you get a different set of conclusions, answers and prospectives from the perspectives being concluded here though.

I never meant to imply skipping the processor/pre-amp all together.

I still would use the analog outs from the Oppo hooked up to a Processor/Pre-amp to use their . I'm no pro, but I don't think it's possible/ideal to hook up a DVD player straight to an amplifier. (e.g. Where would you get the volume control?, etc)

I do know that the main difference between a regular Oppo and Oppo SE is the Sabre DAC's, which I would have to guess are pretty darn good compared to most DAC's in A/V receivers.

My question was really directed towards using the Oppo's DAC (analog outputs) with the A/V receivers pre-amplifier stage. I thought that using an HDMI output from a source (digital out) would logically utilize the pre-amp/receivers DAC instead.

I reread my post and was unable to locate a double negative. You may have been mislead by "there is no unambiguous comparison" in which no and un are in juxtaposition, but that doesn't constitute no double negative. That last phrase, however, does.

The point of my post, though, was the the OP seems to imply that analog is superior to HDMI, and buying the more expensive Oppo SE may show his predisposition to that view, but his post supports only the conclusion that Oppo analog is superior to HDMI in his PS3 and Onkyo chain.

I guess I was misled by that phrase, lol...just seemed a little difficult to read for my little brain! :)

Anyway, I see your point. I am definitely a novice in HT/Hi-Fi stuff, but definitely an enthusiast.

Would like to hear more thoughts on Oppo SE BD player since I'm giving the regular edition a long hard look for purchase.

Would anybody say the Oppo is a dramatic upgrade over the PS3? Audio or Video, please specify which and why.
I'm no pro, but I don't think it's possible/ideal to hook up a DVD player straight to an amplifier. (e.g. Where would you get the volume control?, etc)" (longhornguy)

I've had at least a couple of old standard DVD players over the years that had built in volume controls. I could simply bypass a preamp or processor all together, and go straight out analog into an amplifier. And - with music cd's and DVDA's, While this was nice and clean, clear, with plenty of detail, it was SEVERELY lacking in dynamics and snap! It basically acted as if you were using an analog passive preamp, or none at all, as was this case.
Still, connecting this way also was weak for movie sound. And, yes, I'm sure the DAC's are much improved over the 24/96 dac's in my old DVD players.

"I still would use the analog outs from the Oppo hooked up to a Processor/Pre-amp to use their " ...."My question was really directed towards using the Oppo's DAC (analog outputs) with the A/V receivers pre-amplifier stage"

First, I'm not so sure that most here could actually quantify or qualify what the applicable differences are between using the analog multi-channel inputs on an AV pre or receiver vs the analog 2 channel in's (direct or processed) vs, say, maybe running things to a dedicated 2 channel analog preamp's in's! Nor, I presume, can most likely be able to quantify the difference - playing the DAC's in the Oppo, in this case - between analog into an av pre/pro vs. dirrect to an amp, if it were possible (as I explained was possible earlier, depending). I also know that most people are rather confused as to what's the most effective and best sounding way to connect all this stuff up, either digial in hdmi, coax, or analog out of your player, processing - and possibly preamplifying - in an outboard pre/pro. I guess that's why were all kicking this still around, because I can't remember ever reading anywhere, at the very least, where some industry pro's have come out and claimed supperiority of one connection and processing method over another! Have any of you?!
I think you're dealing with a whole lot of unknown variables, differing equipment setup options, opionions, connection methods, etc, plus source considerations, such as CD vs hdcd ,vs sacd, vs dolby pcm, dolby/dts hd master, etc.
I'm not so certain it's been established, performance wise, what does what depending on what connection and what is processing where, and which source is bing played. But I do know this. There's a whole lot of uncertainty as to what's the ideal way - or "ways" - to connect it all, using certain gear, and run it all. If it weren't, we'd all be either processing in the source, or all be processing in the outboard processor for any given source consideration.
I do think it's been made clear that connecting digitally, and processing outboard, allows one to utilize critical bass mgmt functions, DSP processing, EQ, phase, and other functions. But in regards to ultimate sonic purity and your considerations there. I think the verdict is not clear cut.
Heck, I'm still confused. Maybe someone can step up here and persuade me on all of this. Because I'm cerainly not claiming to know all the answere here. There's too much of this that continues to change and maybe evolve over the years in tech. Interesting though...