I recently purchased an Oppo BDP 83SE as it replaced my PS3(first edition). I am a home theater buff(75/25) and pay very close attention to audio detail.

I configured the Oppo 83SE for 7.1 analogue and noticed an immediate positive difference in the audio spectrum as opposed to HDMI audio. I left the HDMI for video duties. I set all my speakers to small and set my distances and left the trims at 0..

A/B Comparision: There was a cleaner and blacker field between sounds. Voices in Transformers 2 were cleaner and more real. Explosions had more dramatic impact and sense of dimension. The surround effects were more prominent, detailed and more precise than in digital. Sounds that were low keyed or voiced jumped out more but weren't overdone. Overall the soundstage was very articulate and had greater realism. My Onkyo SC-885 processor is simply amazing for home theater but I chose the better processing of the SE as the analogue in the Oppo SE is just astonishing....Unbeatable.....

I will later post results in 2 channel analogue as I cant stop feeding all my blu rays to test this machine!!!!LOL

I am extremely impressed with the Oppo BDP 83SE's player. I hadn't experienced analogue before and didnt know what I was missing. On the video side the picture on my Samsung 58" plasma looked amazing...The Oppo really put alot into this machine and gets great regards from me...GOOD JOB!!! AAA+++

Regards Bacardi
I have an oppo-83 std model.Not the se. I had it modified by Jennifer Crock of Jenna-labs.I use it for both cd 2-channel as well as 5.1 home theatre. I care more about my music playback more than the surround sound for dvds.The $1000,00 mod she did on my oppo-83 turned a $499.00 blu-ray player into a machine that sounds like it should cost several thousand dollars more.I had a Cambridge Asure 840 that retails for $1800.00 and got huge reviews for its sound quality. This modded oppo blows it away. Powerfull bouncy rich bass and unbelievably detailed mids and highs. Not even close. It is that good.I use no digital connections. All analogue.Jene-labs did the majority of the work on the cd 2- channel outs but they also rebuilt the 7.5 outs to a lesser degree.I have a nad surround sound processor that is only used for volume controll on the center channel and surround speakers. I heve a Joule electra tube pre-amp that I use for my cd play, butI also use it in conjunction with the nad processor when I play surround sound.I use the extensivly modded cd two channel outs to run the left and right mains. The only inconvenience is that now you have to adjust 2 seperate volume controls. One for the center and rear and another for the mains. The sound Quality is amazing. I think it is far better than when I had everything running digitally. I play a lot of blu-ray live concert dvds.Because the left and right main channels were modded so extesively my concert dvd audio quality is as good as my cd quality. I get the best of both worlds. Look up Jena-Labs on google and give Jennifer a call. She is very friendly and has a wealth of info and experience. Her web site shows pictures of the modded units as well as full descriptions of what she does. She sells her wonderfull products world wide and is fun to talk to.
I guess my stance thus far is that you can certainly produce a world class cd and sacd player from the analog out of a cd/dvd player. But I have my doubts about producing superior results with the Dolby and DTS processing via analog out (internal processing) vs letting an outboard processor do the dubties.
I just don't think this has be solidified as common knowledge, as to which way is better for digital movie processing.
All, I can actually cycle my settings through my Oppo SE & Onkyo from HDMI and analogue on the fly. It is fairly noticable the differences between the two.

Regards Bacardi
Longhornguy, via the analogue Oppo SE I noticed a more detailed and clearer soundstage. Also the bass was more prominent.

The HDMI Onkyo sounded laid back and sub bass seemed to be masked.

I do want to address the fact that my 5.1 analogue cables are different from my system cables. I am 100% sure that when I change the 20 year old Monster 100 series rca's to Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerators with Galileo mpc's the difference will be distinctively huge.

Regards Bacardi