dracule1 wrote,
"All jokes aside, from what I recall there have been several published blinded AB tests to test differences in sound between cables and even between amps. But as we know, the results are always the same and not in the favor of cable manufacturers. But that’s another whole can of worms."
Surprise, surprise. I figured it wouldn’t be too long before blind testing raised its ugly head. If you recall several published blinded AB tests that showed there are no differences among cables would it be asking too much to provide links to those published tests? I'm not exactly sure why but naysayers frequently claim there are some blind tests out there somewhere, who knows where, that prove that such and such controversial audiophile product is a scam. :-)
Dracule1 also wrote,
"Einstein and his refusal to accept quantum mechanics. You have a point there, but he was right about so many other things like gravity waves, space-time, black holes, photo-electric effect, etc. Who knows in the future some genius will turn quantum mechanics upside down and prove Einstein was right. 😏"
Exactly! Einstein was right about many things but not everything. And because some legendary audio designers made outstanding electronics or speakers doesn’t mean they’re correct on every subject. So using them as proof or even evidence that cables are a scam is an illogical argument.
From a logic standpoint, even if quantum mechanics is turned on it’s head at some far distant time, which is rather unlikely, you know, given that it has survived scrutiny for a hundred years, that would not be evidence or proof that cables are a scam.
geoff kait
machina dynamica