Need Help: What In My Home Electric System Killed the Sound?

Could really use some troubleshooting from you electric experts out there, of which I certainly am not one.  House is in rural western Maine.  My electrician (licensed and very experienced, but not in audiophile context) is running a dedicated line to the 2-channel rig.  He installed the new line up to the outlet, but didn't complete yet (we're waiting for delivery on the outlet), so the new line is temporarily capped off at the wall.  In the meantime, elsewhere in the house, he changed a broken recessed light socket and changed the related wiring to that light.  Those are the only two changes to the electric I am aware of.   The 2-channel system remains plugged into the same outlet we've been using for years (until the dedicated line is in).  This weekend, the life is gone fro the system.  For example, volume at "25" on the pre-amp would normally be quite loud, but now it needs to be turned up to 40 to get the same loudness.  Regardless, dynamics are gone, tempo is a tiny bit slow and has lost toe tapping, and vocals moved from near field to way back in the mix.   Nothing was changed in the system (Rega Saturn CDP; McIntosh C52; McIntosh 452; and Polk SDA 1.2 TL (heavily modded)).   Any thoughts on what might have cause these symptoms?  Electrician can't pinpoint anything.  Any input appreciated.  
Could be an electrical issue or the issue may be somewhere else and it is just coincidental that it has occurred at the same time the electrician was there.

Have you checked your speakers to insure that all of the drivers are playing and that the interconnect cable between the speakers is attached (if your speakers use the interconnect)?
Try to use different CD player first.
Less-likely CD-player be culprit, but check first.

Other components must be checked with replacements as well.
I suspect there's nothing wrong with wiring. You can test the output voltage, but I still believe that one of your components player/preamp/amp must be checked.

Had any Trim or EQ adjustments been made on the C52? If so, they may have been reset to default if the electrician turned off power while doing his work.

This is from left field, but now that the broken light socket was fixed, did you have that light on when you listened to your system? Try shutting it off. I have dedicated lines and can still hear some nasties from various fixtures elsewhere in the house. Simple solution. I shut off those lights when I use the system (they are over a bar sink in the kitchen, so not really essential lighting).