Does anyone know how you can get any parts for a Pro-ac speaker ?

I own 5 pairs of Pro-ac speakers and everyone of them is missing at least one of the attaching posts that hold the grill on...After spending hours trying to fine a USA pro-ac distributor I have come to Audiogon for help....
partsexpress sell them cheap in 2 sizes, could be the same kind. Cheers,
I already have a bunch of the wrong size from Madisound.....The folks in Dallas want pictures of the ones I don't have....You would think that as easy as they break that the folks in Dallas would know what I'm talking about....Of the five pairs of Proac's I have they are all the same......One of the guys wanted me to use the "Velcro".....I already have some Wilson's with the "Velcro" and they won't stay on either.....All I need is the simple plastic Proac device and I'd be home free.........Thanks
I'd be making the long distance phone call direct to England and eliminate the incompetence.  You'd think a ProAc dealer would be able to source them without difficulty.  
Mike if I thought that would work I would give it a try.....Its absolutely crazy you can't get a few little clips to hold the grill on one of suppose able great speakers........Same thing with my Wilson Cubs, 5000.00 speakers and no way to keep the grills from falling off .......A guy might as well put a big gob of silicon in the corners and call it good........One of the Proac guys thought that Velcro was the answer.......?!?!  
Not sure what ProAcs you own but these pegs look almost identical to the pegs on my Response 2.5’s. I measured the  ball diameter on my pair and its 0.225 in. The ball diameter of the peg I linked to below is .just 005 in. larger. They Might work, I’m unsure of the other measurements but at 41 cents each I’d buy a couple just to try.