The long story short,
If you're onto NOS tubes, have a tube tester and shop for'em at thrift stores selling old tube radios for cheap. Purchasing them from dealer is big risk.
Purchasing NOS on internet is risky no matter how reputable the seller is.
Another useful tool to use NOS tubes is VARIAC transformer to bring NOS tubes SLOWLY up to operating voltages when you mount them first time no matter how good these tubes test.
Other than that, there are plenty of options to void NOS and to purchase just brand new tubes
If you're onto NOS tubes, have a tube tester and shop for'em at thrift stores selling old tube radios for cheap. Purchasing them from dealer is big risk.
Purchasing NOS on internet is risky no matter how reputable the seller is.
Another useful tool to use NOS tubes is VARIAC transformer to bring NOS tubes SLOWLY up to operating voltages when you mount them first time no matter how good these tubes test.
Other than that, there are plenty of options to void NOS and to purchase just brand new tubes