wolf-garcia & kclone ...
I'm beginning to get suspicious that there is a faction of naysayers that are attempting to denigrate a manufacturer that is providing extraordinary products and getting extraordinary results because these very same naysayers are actually sellers or manufacturers of competing products that just cannot make the grade, cannot compete, and in general, just don't measure up.
Those of us who have taken the time in posting positive things about SR are posting because we are experiencing great results, not because we "work for SR" or involved in some nefarious scheme to "promote extremely profitable audio voodoo. "
Do you guys have any idea how insulting your negative posts are to those of us who are sincerely trying to help our fellow audiophiles attain better results from their systems? Of course you don't. Why would you? Social cretins seldom do.
Now go turn on your Pioneer receivers, listen to your Bose speakers and enjoy your eight-track tape machine and have a nice day.
I'm beginning to get suspicious that there is a faction of naysayers that are attempting to denigrate a manufacturer that is providing extraordinary products and getting extraordinary results because these very same naysayers are actually sellers or manufacturers of competing products that just cannot make the grade, cannot compete, and in general, just don't measure up.
Those of us who have taken the time in posting positive things about SR are posting because we are experiencing great results, not because we "work for SR" or involved in some nefarious scheme to "promote extremely profitable audio voodoo. "
Do you guys have any idea how insulting your negative posts are to those of us who are sincerely trying to help our fellow audiophiles attain better results from their systems? Of course you don't. Why would you? Social cretins seldom do.
Now go turn on your Pioneer receivers, listen to your Bose speakers and enjoy your eight-track tape machine and have a nice day.