ss multi-ch. amps vs multi seperate amps any adv.

Bulding a ss 5 ch. Surround sys. Is there any sep. Amps vs multi-ch amps? Ie like a parasound hca 1200 for front another for rear and one bridged for center vs something like a 1200a 5 ch ss amp.will be using a b&k referance 30 processor. Assuming all power is equal what's the diff?
Hi Bacardi - I have no direct experience with Wyred 4 Sound, so I can't offer you an opinion. Sorry.

I can certainly see the appeal in multiple mono amps. But I agree with Summitav's comment that...

Unless you are going to be building the SOA $40k multichannel music sound system, there is no need to use all monoblocs.

That is why I suggested a middle ground approach of 2 amplifiers: a higher quality one for the FR/FL, and a more affordable one for the center and surrounds.

I do think running seperate mono channels will have better seperation, dynamics, imaging and soundstage.

There is some truth to this, provided you are comparing amps of similar price/quality. Keep in mind, though, that some of the best amplifiers available at any price are stereo, not mono. In other words, amps that have channels sharing a single power supply and chassis are not always inferior to those that don't. It comes down to the particulars of the design.

With that in mind, I will reiterate that there are truly excellent multichannel amps available. Two that come to mind that I have direct experience with: The Anthem Statement P5 and the Parasound Halo A51. They are powerhouses with excellent sound quality. If they are out of your price range, you could consider the Anthem Statement A5 or Parasound Halo A52.

Three notable differences between these Anthem and Parasound amps that may be relevant to you, given your comments:

1. The Anthem Statement amps use multiple power supplies (2 power supplies in the A5; 5 power supplies in the P5). The Parasound Halo amps use a single power supply.

2. The Parasound Halo amps are class A for the first few watts. The Anthem Statement amps are not.

3. The Anthem Statement amps run much cooler (because of 2).

I have owned amps from both manufacturers and liked them both.
Bryoncunningham, I have a full Paradigm Signature S1 v2 system and an Anthem A5 or P5 would mate very well with the Paradigm's(same company). I had an Anthem D1 before and found it to be thin sounding. Friends told me if I didn't like the sound of the D1 I wouldn't like the Anthem amps. That's when I purchased my Parasound. Would a Parasound Halo A51 be a justifiable upgrade for the money??

The Wyred 4 Sounds as told will be better than my Parasound. Extremely dynamic, better 3d soundstage and imaging, and also run way cooler. What are your thoughts.

My investments in my home theater system are around 25-30g's.

Regards Bacardi
I had an Anthem D1 before and found it to be thin sounding. Friends told me if I didn't like the sound of the D1 I wouldn't like the Anthem amps.

Not sure I agree that, since you didn't like the D1, you wouldn't like the A5 or P5. The Anthem Statement amps do not sound "thin" to me. Nor do they sound warm. To my ears, they sound neutral.

Would a Parasound Halo A51 be a justifiable upgrade for the money??

This is a question that only you can answer. To me, the answer is yes, particularly if you can find an A51 used.

Again, I have no experience with Wyred 4 Sound, so I can't advise you about that.
Do the Parasound A51's or A21's run hot???

Yes, they do. They are class A for the first few watts, so it goes with the territory. But I wouldn't let that scare me off, if I were you, unless you truly have no way of providing adequate ventilation.