Experience with AMR DP-777

Hi there, I'm fairly new to audiogon, but have been assembling high-end systems for about 15 years now. Recently bought an AMR DP-777 and swapped tubes and it killed my left channel the first time. I'm no stranger to swapping tubes (in DAC's and Preamps), so I was surprised this happened. I've read some other threads that this sort of stuff has been an issue with this DAC. Of course the DAC sounds, but I have two questions/points:

1) for those of you that have experience rolling tubes with this DAC, what is your procedure to make sure it does cause some any system failure with the unit?

2) second thing is I've sent the unit in for the SE upgrade and will be able to report back to you guys the difference/improvement in sound, as I know it's sonic signature very well
FWIW, I ordered this DAC back in March, the dealer said that the shipment was being delayed due to an issue with the volume control. The issue had be identified to a faulty chip and AMR was in the process of resolving this issue. As a result my dealer said the delay would be another three weeks minimum. I decided to cancell my order and went with another DAC. I did demo the AMR, non SE version, and found it to be exceptional on RB playback. There are some posts over on CA forum on this topic.

This is reply I received from the AMR group in England:

"We have ran this past our Technical Department, please find their

"It could be the relay switching for muting. Either the relays or the control-IC get too hot.

Does the customer have enough airflow around the DP-777? If yes then the main board may need to be serviced (if in warranty) as the Relay control IC overheats (it includes over-temperature protection)."

Can you please confirm the airflow?"

Also when you say as follow:

There are some posts over on CA forum on this topic.  I googled it and could not find? 



On their DAC forum there is an AMR thread.

Hope that helps!

I just checked the site, looks like you found the right place...disregard the above post. 
I see where this can become a major issue and AMR need to careful not to let issue go on much longer or they definitely will lose market share!