Help Me Choose Timber Nation Rack-- All Wood or Threaded Rod?

Discovered the Timber Nation site and for what I can afford, they look like an excellent choice. Not sure whether I
should go with the all-wood or the threaded rod rack, though. Which is better in terms of isolation???  
ohlala;I looked up Finite Elemente and was surprised to discover they offer. among other things, Maple racks, but at prices I can't come close to affording. 

Yes, please tell us how it all works when you get it, I might be interested in getiing one too. Keeping the equipment on the floor works for me from the audiophile perspective but I almost fell over my amp couple of times.
I'm glad I built mine with threaded rod, because l've been moving things around, and changing gear. My rods are brass and they take on a nice patina over time. I have system pics, if you want to check out the wife factor.
All wood, especially, Maple is outstanding. There are other brands that use steel, aluminum and suspension-type designs. So, there is something to be said for those niche' products as well.
Personally, I use a Bell 'O design that is steel and glass shelving.
It is dead quiet. Happy Listening