Interconnects between Rogue Audio Perseus Preamp. and Odyssey Khartago Amplifier

Hi to all.
Looking for the quality and transparent interconnects for the R. A. Perseus Preamp. and Odyssey Khartago Amp.
I tried with the Audioquest, while the bass was good but no so the highs. Kind of veiled and less details.
On the other hand Signal Cable Interconnects had a nice highs but the bottom was kind of confused, no punch.
My speakers are Focal 836W.
Thank you in advance on your opinions.
Rogue Audio's owner recommended Darwin ICs to a reviewer which led me to buy three sets and I couldn't be happier. After the first two sets I moved up to his higher end line for my SACD player and there was a noticeable improvement. His basic line is no slouch either. I don't know if he's found better but chances are it'd be a sideways move, depending on your other gear.

All the best,
Hi. I agree with Stereo5. I have the Quattros' between my Odyssey Candela pre and Stratos amp and those have the best synergy between the two components. I had test driven several other ICs but the system sounds best with the Quattros'. Klaus will be very helpful should you contact him. Thanks, DaveĀ