Velodyne DD12 or DD15

hello there,

am thinking of getting a velodyne DD 12 or 15 series sub.

both have great reviews. hopefully you folks out there can shed some light or experience with them.
My room size is 22' length by 14' with 9' ceiling height.
I play both music and movies in my home theatre set up.

Compared with DD12 which actually looks neater as it is smaller also cheaper, i wonder if the DD15 actually plays tighter bass for music and yet can produce deep theatrical bass for movies. ( somehow i always thought smaller subs are more agile and faster)

Another question comes to mind, DD series had been around for quite some time now, wonder if the next generation new model would be coming out any time soon?


Rwwear, IME while both produce the same result, a tight bowel is preferable to a loose one... When using Vel DDs for music, it is easily appreciated that the max servo setting has better control/transient response without sacrificing authority. I have not compared the various DD driver sizes, but a Vel product manager told me that the larger diameter driver produces less distortion due to shorter excursion and reduced strain on the plate amp.
Rwwear: DD15 sounded slower and looser. since when is tighter bass a bad thing??(for music). many folks prefer tight/fast bass when it comes to music/2 channel listening. tighter bass does not nessacarily mean less. depending on what you're listening to and how loud, it can make all the difference in the world.

no problem if you prefer slow/loose bass. by all means....enjoy. just don't try to tell me what i'm hearing or how to describe it.
I don't recall telling you how to do anything Levy. Have you ever heard a fast 10 ft. kettle drum though?
you told me "faster and tighter bass means less bass". that is not what i heard or described.......but you told me that's what it was/is (and i completely disagree).

maybe you left out an "imo" or "seems to me"?? if problem... please do carry on. we're all entitled to our own thoughts/impressions and opinions. even if someone else thinks otherwise.

10ft kettle drum? can't say i've ever heard one??. you could very well be right but if it's used in music and i want musicality..... *i still think* the dd12 would sound better.
