Recommendations for retipping service for my Benz-Micro?

I had my Benz-Micro retipped by Cartridgeman in the UK years ago, but I'm unaware of how the retipping market may have shifted and would be grateful for some recommendations. 
Both myself and a close friend have had our Benz LP-Smr cartridges retipped by Soundsmith recently.  Great results, 8 weeks turn around time for both of us. We both had the tip only done. I also had a Dynavector XV-1s done years ago, that was good also.
Thanks so much to you all for the great coaching on retipping. There are apparently services that will retip but only with the replacing of the cantilever. It sounds like replacing the cantilever is not a requirement with Soundsmith's retipping service correct?


You are correct, getting just the tip done is an option with Soundsmith. Thats what I just had done with my Benz.

I have employed  Andy's Needle Clinic three times. And the last was a retip of a Benz H2. I highly recommend him.