Switched or Unswitched outlets--please

I have a Furman IT Ref 15 that has 12 sockets, 4 swithed, 4 unswitched, 4 not specified--I have high end--CD, Blu Ray, 2 monos, 1 5 channel amp, 1 processor, VCR, DAC, 400 DVD player and my Comcast DVR box, and a nice Headphone amp. All feeding B&W 800 series speakers all around-- 7 of them. All mid-level Tranparent cables & power cords.

I would appreciate your "EXPERT" instruction as to what to plug into what please:-)
Djones1915: I am not an EXPERT but will offer suggestions based on what I do. First, IMO, the monos and the 5 channel amp draw a LOT of current and should be in dedicated circuits of their own. The processor, DAC and Comcast box will be used a lot and should be in the switched outlets. The headphone amp, VCR, and DVD player could be unswitched. My reasoning for some of this is (and not being familiar with your listening habits) that the switched equipment is used often and should be at "the ready" most of the time while the unswitched items are used less frequently and, therefore, need not be standing by. If you must plug the monos into the Furman, I would go unswitched for them as well.

All of my equipment goes through an APC power conditioner and is unswitched (not on until I turn it on) except the processor. The monos are on dedicated circuits and BTW unplugged during electrical storms.
Puerto: I think you have it backwards. "Unswitched" means on all the time. At least that was what was meant back in the days of AC outlets on the rear panel of pre-amps and intergrated amplifiers.
I'm no "EXPERT", but, I'd suggest the cable box and vcr go in unswitched outlets.