Why do you give bad advice?

Now I'm not talking about different opinions or an honest mistake, but a response that is clearly bad advice. Here's just one example.

Poster states that due to living in a small town and no larger town in a reasonable driving distance, he has no way to audition, so he's looking for helpful advice in considering an upgrade.

Then I see responses like, listen to as many as you can before deciding, take whatever to your local dealer to see how well they match, or find a good brick and mortar dealer to audition.

I see this happening more, so maybe it's just a sign of the times that many don't take the time to read the entire post and only respond to the title.

OK, that's my little rant for the day.
In this case such bad advice is unbelievably truthful. 

Purchasing particular model over the internet drives you to take chance + shipping turnaround fees.

To me it's not affordable nor reasonable especially if dealing with speakers, therefore I would personally, if I were to live in the middle of nowhere, drive out of nowhere to where I can see and choose and purchase what I see, and therefore the advice would be according to what I would actually do. I would also highly doubt that none within 3 hours of driving would place for sale ad of high-rez audio equipment either on Craigslist or ebay. You can also use chance that you will get away someday to spend vacation and jump into previously mentioned B&M electronic store or dealer to finalize your upgrade or build system decision. 

If you're 3...4 hours away from Chicago, or Minneapolis or New York or Las Vegas or any urban area, than that's what you have to do -- research for sale posted on the internet: craigslist, e-bay and move where you see most of what you actually need. 

I don't feel my advice is bad. What evidence do you have to support that assertion? ;)
I particularly like when there is a response asking for a lot of information before a recommendation can be made, then nothing after the OP lists extensive info

Assume a poster asks a good question. He gets 10 answers of which only one is correct. How will he ever know which answer is right. So much for the value of anonymous advise. :-)