Why do you give bad advice?

Now I'm not talking about different opinions or an honest mistake, but a response that is clearly bad advice. Here's just one example.

Poster states that due to living in a small town and no larger town in a reasonable driving distance, he has no way to audition, so he's looking for helpful advice in considering an upgrade.

Then I see responses like, listen to as many as you can before deciding, take whatever to your local dealer to see how well they match, or find a good brick and mortar dealer to audition.

I see this happening more, so maybe it's just a sign of the times that many don't take the time to read the entire post and only respond to the title.

OK, that's my little rant for the day.
I particularly like when there is a response asking for a lot of information before a recommendation can be made, then nothing after the OP lists extensive info

Assume a poster asks a good question. He gets 10 answers of which only one is correct. How will he ever know which answer is right. So much for the value of anonymous advise. :-)
Post removed 

Thanks jl35, an excellent example, and yes, I have seen a stated budget, then responses like, what's your budget or as you say, a recommendation way over the budget.

Guess I wish everyone would just take the time to read and make a sensible response. Poor responses just muddy the discussion and may even confuse the OP.