Beach Boys Pet Sounds by Analogue Productions

OK, so I was banned from the S. Hoffman site for saying I had a sibilance on my mono copy of AP Pet Sounds.  I described that it had very lush mids and strong bass but was confused by the sibilance.  So, I made a post asking people if there may be a problem with playback of mono through my stereo setup and...mentioned Pet Sounds! (had no idea there was a psycho lurking).  I also asked if anyone else had been experiencing this because I wasn't getting it on other LPs.   Long story short, after a couple of informative responses from normal people, Hoffman makes a very angry post that completely trashes me and hurls some generic insults.  I gave it back to him because it was just so infantile of a response that I couldn't resist.  I just instantly lost respect I guess.  After a few back and forths, I sent a personal message asking that my account be deleted.  Instead he banned me, and of course the thread was deleted, just like every other thread about Pet Sounds with any real content.  Even though I'm banned, it looks like I'm still listed as an active member, I assume so that it's not obvious to other members that he got mad and banned someone for not praising his work.  Unbelievable.  

Long story short, the responses I got before the host got involved were positive, stating that others were not experiencing the sibilance that I was.  What was weirder was that I had already stated that I was thinking that it was either my system or unique to the LP I received.  Anyway, I was hoping it was safe to talk about this LP here...or does he control this site too?   Hope not!
That was good, I read the first part in my email and believed it!  Thanks for not being crazy people
The credibility of either Hoffman or whoever else at DCC claimed he/they "Remastered From The Original Master Tapes" when such was clearly impossible has been called into question numerous times. The Band's second album, for instance; the tapes have been missing for years.
The Mono Beach boys album in which you speak sounds so lush in my system. I would suggest you check your tonearm settings,make sure your turntable is level. I had this happen to me and it turned out to be my anti skating setting. I only mention this because you have stated  it is happening on other recordings.
I check level of my TT every session and i usually increase my anti skate when I put on 180-200 gram albums. I'm only hearing it on this lp. I just listened to several thick albums (Dylan MFSL with harp and backup singers) and all is as it should be.  I think I got one of the lsst albums from the first batch since it's gone into repressing recently.  I still think mine is a dud somehow though.  Its very sibilant.  Did they do a hi res for this?  That's a good thing about hi res since each repressing can be same as first.
The  bass is distorted and sounds like its going to collapse my speakers on God Only Knows.  It's perfect on I Know There's An Answer and things get better in from outside.  I know what you might say but that is the opposite of what I usually experience