Speakers Women Like

Another discussion asked whether there were any women audiophiles, like males who knit, they exist, but are hard to find. I am interested in "stereo" types (i.e. types of people who like stereo music), but not judgements and I love hearing about what other listeners get out of music.

So my question for the women listeners and readers here is, what speakers do you like, maybe what headphones and what make you scratch your head and go "you’ve got to be kidding me? "  Do you think it's about hearing, or culture? Are you all about the big double bass in a Jazz quartet, or the Chinese erhu? What makes you feel at home with audiophiles, what makes you feel your by yourself?

Any other information about how you got there, like whether you play music, or like a certain genre. Please, we’re all ears.

While shopping for speakers in the 90's, I took my wife along to help me decide among the many choices available. We looked at the Martin Logan Monoliths, Quad ESL 63s and Sonus Faber Electa Amators. We chose the Sonus Fabers for their combination of sound, size and appearance. She never criticizes the speakers because she was involved in the decision to buy them. Also, my hearing is far better than hers. My Stax 009 headphones were my decision!
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My spouse likes my AMT's.  We owned a pair of AMT1B's decades ago, and even she was sorry to see them go....

...until I bought another pair of the raw drivers.  We both agree that they sound lifelike and effortless.  And I get to play with finding a woofer that can keep up with them. *S*