What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 
I have a good bit of two channel stuff amps and receivers, turn tables and cd players.
After I'm dead they can give it all away or let the trash man have it, but I have two grand kids 14 and 15 I am raising, they know what it is and why it's special, I have no worries about it all.
They also get the big house it's in , they have no video games ,cable tv or cell phones.
They love to read real books and listen to their vintage two channel setups.
They are being raised with a good heathy dose of self reliance and skepticism about the world they will be living in.

With Brexit, now what will happen to British audio?   A buyer's market ahead?

@mapman , where you been? It's been as strong of a buyers market for the last 1+ years as I've ever seen, even going back before Audiogon was created.

Sure. things can always get worse, but how much can you buy if nothing is selling? After a year of taking advantage of a buyers market, I now have to stop as nothing will sell. What looked like a steal only 6 months ago (60-75% off list) now has to be given away at another 25-30% loss.

As a seller ( and a buyer), I have halted buying until the market recovers a bit, and I can sell some of my extra gear.
Now if gear starts selling for 10% of list, I may be tempted to buy some more. ;^)
Jmcg that's interesting.  I have not sold anything here in about a year.  Last I did I did get a fair price but it took a couple markdowns by me to sell.   Not huge ticket items but I could see where the pricier items around these parts could be a very tough sell. 

I have kids still going to college and several years from retirement so I know I have to watch what I spend on discretionary stuff.