Inna gadda da Vida long version

Anybody know where I can get a copy  of this? 
I like to revisit my halcyon days "stoned". 

An Iron Butterfly thread, great.  For my money, their best album is Metamorphosis.  By the time of that album, they added two guitarists, Mike Pinera and Rhino.  Pinera was fresh from his stint with Blues Image and he and Rhino were at their creative peak.  The album still rocks and I look forward to it every time I put it on (and I haven't done any drugs in 35 years!).  Their subsequent live album, recorded in Europe (?) has good live versions of some of the songs from Metamorphosis as well.
If you can find an early US pressing in decent condition (assuming you still play records), it doesn’t sound bad at all. And that recent mono reissue of Heavy is fun.
I saw them back in the day- opening acts were Mind Garage and Rhinoceros. I loved the use of the middle of Inna Gadda in the Michael Mann film Manhunter.
It seems like there is some renewed interest in the band, after years of being back-shelved as dated early, excessive psych. Inna Gadda became sort of a joke. But, they seem to have gotten respect from those who appreciate early heavy pre-metal. I have a friend who has a great story about declining a ride from Sharon Tate when he was hitching (she, driving a 275 GTB-can’t remember if it was a "4"--Roman’s car). He then got a lift from the band, who were headed to a concert at his destination. Life is strange. Enjoy it.
Whart-I don;t think I heard you right.You're friend was hitch hiking and he declined a ride from Sharon Tate? Life certainly is strange.