The LAST word I would use to describe is "dull"...😱
It is smooth, sharp, detailed yet relaxed, transparent, exciting, neutral and sublime.
Most projects all the 'emotion' contained in the vinyl groove that many cartridges simply do not.
Looking at the photos in the ad, it appears fine to the naked eye.
Here's one of mine
and another view
Unless there's something wrong with the suspension (does it collapse when you lower it on the disc?) or the coils or dampener, it should not sound 'dull' even if you strapped it to a chopstick.....
Here is my other one without the original stylus
but an AT-155Lc implant. This shares the nude line-contact stylus in a beryllium cantilever just like the original and comes very close to the sound of the original.
Only trouble with it's no longer produced and is rather scarce and therefore pricy.
If you're patient, they sometimes come up on EBay or you can also buy the whole AT-155Lc cartridge if you can find one in NOS.
All the trouble you may go to in order to hear what this cartridge can deliver will be worth it...😎🎼