AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Arcam may be ok for a receiver.It would be nice if they would give you the true power ratings at 20-20k all channels driven.A 80 watt amp is not going to drive a lot of speakers
that fall into the high end category.I don't believe it can give true class A at 30 wpc. Nobody listens to 1 khz only. A telephone does better than that.Arcam link.[http://www.arcam.co.uk/products,fmj,av-amplifiers,AVR600.htm#]Link to test specs.[http://www.hometheatermag.com/receivers/arcam_avr600_av_receiver/index3.html]
Correction for my last post.I should have said,true Class A at 20 watts per channel,all channels driven.Not some form of Class A whatever that is.

10-04-10: Aberyclark
I believe a $500 a/v receiver will sound just as good as a $500 2 channel receiver or amp.
How may can you find that will drive 4 ohm speakers.A lot of mid-fi,and high end speakers are 4 ohms.

My Theta Casablanca III was the best that I could find when I got into HT.
As good as it is, it's not even close to my 2 channel set up.
So my answer to you is no.

Take care,
I've had a fair number of higher end receivers (excuse the oxymoron), and in all cases found they performed better as preamps* than amps. Always found a not-subtle improvement when using an outboard dedicated amp (regardless of speaker character/efficiency, but certainly more pronounced with demanding loads), and varying degrees of more subtle improvement when using outboard preamp and HT passthru. The nice thing is that it provides a nice incremental upgrade path if you are so inclined.

*Excepting for the phono preamp if it happens to be built-in, which are universally pretty lousy.