Acman, you're the only Aficionado who has consistently posted new music, and I regret I haven't reviewed it all, but I intend to rectify that.
Brian Bromberg plays good solid straight ahead jazz of a very high caliber; it's the kind of music demanding Aficionados like Frogman, Rok, and Alex can appreciate. I'm hoping that Frogman can give us a review from a professional jazz musician's point of view.
According to "Wiki", Brian Bromberg (born December 5, 1960, in Tucson, Arizona) is an American jazz bassist and record producer who performs on both electric and acoustic instruments. He has a varied resume when it comes to types of jazz (the man sounds like a survivor to me) This album "Full Circle" is boss, I'm still listening to it, and it's just keeps getting better.
Enjoy the music.