AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
I always thought all the preamp features is what made a/v receivers less desirable
I personally always thought av receivers is what made preamp features less desireable. Just a different perspective.
Not sure what any of this means really...
10-18-10: Aberyclark
I always thought all the preamp features is what made a/v receivers less desirable
When you find out your 100 wpc receiver only puts out 30-70 wpc,and won't drive your speakers,at least you have the option of hooking up a real amp to it.That way everything is not lost.Research,and read reviews before buying.
Mithch4t, what are saying about the Jackalope?

I started in this hobby in 2004 with an NAD AV reciever, that I then used as a preamp. Went to seperate amps with a processor (first B & K, then Parasound, then Anthem) and was shocked by the improvement, it was still all multichannel.

Finally, I bought a 2 channel preamp with HT Passthrough (first a McIntosh C2200, then an ARC LS26, and finally a Cary SLP98p F-1) and there is just no comparison. I got rid of the multichannel stuff, bought a Denon AV reciever for the HT stuff, but even my wife does not listen to music through the reciever. Even though she must physically turn on the Cary preamp, and switch inputs. The fact that she went to the trouble to learn how to do that versus just hitting "Play Music Server" on the remote and running the sound through the reciever, tells you the difference.
Macdadtexas, I conceed you might have seen a few jackalopes in Texas, but I'm pretty certain that everything else on that list is a myth.