tube monoblocks and preamp recommendations

I have recently acquired a set of Altec Model 19s. In my mind, these would be great with tube monoblocks and a preamp.  I would like to keep modern conveniences in mind(remote, input for downloaded/streaming content).  I value any advice thrown my way.  Ideally, I would like to keep below $5,000 but understand I may have to pay more for something that is not integrated.  Thanks all!
I have a pair of diy model 19's, with gpa 416 drivers and crossovers, 811 horns and vintage 802g drivers.
I have had everything on them w5m mono blocks , st70 dynamo and ss macintosh, it all sounds fantastic with a pair of 19's.
I don't know if they can sound bad with any decent amp driving them.
They really need very little power to put out massive amounts of good sound.

Thank you all for the very informative posts. 

For whatever reason, I saw horn and completely blocked the other options from QS out of my line of sight.  But there they are with several power levels.  I do not see where audible illusions makes tube amps, but I assume I don't necessarily have to stay with the same brand for amps and preamps.

This site is so over my head, I struggle to navigate the webpage.  I'm afraid I may have been more ignorant than initially expected.

I am not familiar with the single ended amps and have only picked up limited information from my lurking.  It seems the general idea is these guys can be powered with minimal (<5 watts) efficiently.  That blows my mind.  But will they get loud if it needs to get loud.  Currently, these speakers are set up in a loft area.  The loft is roughly 15-20 feet above a "great room."  The listening would be in the loft with the speakers. Similarly, let's say for instance I worked my television into this setup for good two channel sound in movies.  Would the 5 watts or less be enough, or am I wrong in thinking that would be impacted?  In this setup (streaming/downloaded content, vinyl, television/bluray, etc.) are my options more limited?  This is what I would ultimately like to achieve.  I know some preamps don't include phono, but I have no problem adding one.  

I see some mono options in the 100 watts plus category.  Overkill?  I fear that with the room setup, I would buy top quality equipment, but with the lack of power, it would be lost in the room. 

I have always been a fan of McIntosh amps but worry about them not having some of the modern conveniences.  I do not know this to be true, but was my initial thought.  Has anyone successfully used, from Rogue Audio, an rp-1 or rp-5 with a set of their monoblocks with horn speakers?  I may be back in overkill territory. 

Thank you all for reading the above rambling.  I know there is no "right" answer, but I certainly do appreciate any and every bit of information I can gather.  As I embarrassingly didn't give a ton of information with my initial post, I hope some of the above can shed some light onto my objectives. I look forward to the responses! Thanks!

For these speakers, you don't need a 100WPC to effectively drive these.  I would suggest a high quality tube integrated amp like a Manley Stingray or one by Audio Research. 
I was under the impression that the Altec 19's  had about a 100db sensitivity rating which means they could easily be driven to very high levels by a flea watt amp, but that doesn't mean they have to be. I used a 50w class A solid state amp with mine and was quite happy. One problem that such a high sensitivity rating creates is that any noise in your source, pre-amp, or amp will be much more apparent. It would be essential (for me anyway) to insure that the pre-amp was very low noise, something that is difficult to obtain from many tube pre-amp's, and this issue is exacerbated when you are driving an amp with a high sensitivity combined with a pre-amp with a high output. Personally I would be looking for an integrated amp which would (should) solve the interface issues dealing with noise.

If I had my Altec's back (and I'd love to hear them again but I just don't have a room big enuf) I'd probably start out with a Primaluna Dialogue Integrated (One or Two) which has about 36wt in uni-linear and 20 wts in triode (costs about 1500 to 2000 used) for a  more modern tube sound with some residual warmth with the right tubes. These amps are very tunable by simply changing tubes (big and small) using new production tubes. And, best of all, they are sort of idiot proof, both by virtue of their auto bias circuit and their tube protection circuits. IMHO, an ideal starting point (and potentially finishing point) in your quest. 

FWIW, I think Quicksilver has some excellent products. Unfortunately they don't make an integrated unit so you must deal with the matching issues I mentioned above as well as the substantially increased cost.

A rogue audio rp1 and stereo 100 amplifier would be very close to your price point and absolutely sound fantastic with those Altec speakers