I believe grannyring is using WE10ga as speaker cable and loves them best of all...perhaps he will see this post and respond. Best, Rob
Charles1Dad, Jetrexpro,
I bought the upgraded Coincident Dynamo Mark II, replaced the capacitors with Arizona Green, Ohmite Brown Devils, and some internal Western Electric 16ga. I also substituted the stock rectifier for ancient Mullard CV378, NOS GEC tubes...with the DeVore 0/96, mind blowing excellent in my 18x24x10 new listening room. Best, Rob
Charles1Dad, Jetrexpro,
I bought the upgraded Coincident Dynamo Mark II, replaced the capacitors with Arizona Green, Ohmite Brown Devils, and some internal Western Electric 16ga. I also substituted the stock rectifier for ancient Mullard CV378, NOS GEC tubes...with the DeVore 0/96, mind blowing excellent in my 18x24x10 new listening room. Best, Rob