The best separates between $2500-3000. Moving on from the original Rogue Sphinx Intg..

I have decided  NOT to upgrade the original  Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to its new version.  Therefore, I would humbly ask for recommendations for  the best separates in the $2500-3000 range. I would prefer the same brand pre-amp and power amp, but will consider mixed brands.

My requirements are basic: at least 150-175 RMS; a simple "quality" remote with a mute switch and smoothly calibrated volume control.  Pre-amp Out ( optional) feature;.  A good headphone stage;  A good to VG phono stage, BUT  CAN forego in favor of a good  phono box.. .

I DON'T WANT OR NEED:  an onboard DAC for streaming audio files  ; processor loops, or subwoofer inputs and outputs HT inputs and outputs;  class D amp

Because of the plethora of new pre-amps with the features I don't want, I might consider older "quality" pre-amps without the bells and whistles. However, I AM NOT interested in  so called   "upgraded" vintage  or refurbished" crap from 20-30 years ago. I recently got burned on a refurbished and marginally upgraded turntable. My mistake.  Thank you for your advice 



To Almarg,  A very worthy suggestion. However, the Sphinx v.1  i was informed  by  the Rogue Director of Sales has no pre-amp out for a outboarded basic power( seems incredible)  HOWEVER, I DECIDED TO   CHECK THE MANUAL WHICH SAYS IN BULLET POINTS:

"LINE 3:

Variable outputs( for a subwoofer  OR second amplifier)

Fixed  outputs ( for a headphone amp or for recording)" 

What follow on the same page is instruction for connecting up a "turntable
Connecting headphones

Connecting the Sphinx to a power outlet

Connecting a subwoofer to the Sphinx

However on the same page it does not mention anything aV5ebout connect a SEPARATE POWER AMP

BTW, there is loose insert page titled "Sphinx Quick Setup FAQ"

Bullet point # 6 states: Line 1, 2, 3, are for line level inputs such as a DAC, tuner, CD player, or outboard phono section"

Again, no mention of a outboarded basic power amp.

I considered your suggestion about using a separate power amp to beef up the power output but also provide much better sound quality. I e-mailed Rogue, and spoke to I believe the Sales Manager, NOT  Mark O'Brien who is the CEO and head product designer of the company. The gentleman I mentioned e-mailed claimed he checked  with technical support, and the claimed there was no pre-amp output.  At the time, it was not a top priority, but it seems he was mistaken. Let me know your thought on what I provided from the manual. Tomorrow,  I will. call Rogue and get Mark O'Brien on the phone and ask him about whether v.1 has a pre-amp.

Regarding the Ayre V5xe power amp. I think that is a bit steep in price, and wonder if I could possibly buy something as good or equal to this amp for less money. I know Ayre products are high quality and built a tank, because I own an fully upgrade Ayre CX7e mp CD player which is outstanding. Nevertheless, you point is well taken. about "possibly" using the Sphinx v.1 for a pre-amp only  From what I read the new version Sphinx v.2 despite its upgrades may lack a pre-amp out.  let me your thoughts.   I will keep you (and others posted)   Cheers.

To Lowrider:  A very interesting suggestion, assuming there are integrated amps that either provide  sound quality equal to separates or  offer superior sound to them. 

I have done some research before I launched the current thread about separates. I rejected or bypassed IA that were either just slightly above  average based  on my $2500-$3000 budget range, or more money like $3000-$4000.  So far, I can up with new the Roksan Kandy 3 integrated  amp which has a remote and an MM phono stage ( no  official report on its quality) and no phono input on phono stage.  It is a 150RMS, was greatly like by the blog HI-FI News and the shaky  "Audioreview."  It retails for $2700.  

One drawback it has a "Bluetooth" feature which I don't need or want ( channel the money into a better phono or a headphone) feature. Nevertheless there are 2 audio dealer in Los Angeles county. Both  offer about 10% discount, but the killer is the 8 or 9%  California state sales tax  There is dealer in Colorado, but I think he will not sell into a area that has other Roksan dealer which he carries, so I can sale some coin on tax..

All, I know about this company is that it is English, the new K-3 is supposedly superior than it the previous K-2. Roksan is not a household word throughout the industry to my knowledge, but still considered high end(?). Overall, despite the RMS power of 150, it may sound only marginal better than the Sphinx v.1 or maybe not as good. One review did note some edginess at higher volumes.  So there it is; However, there may be a better integrated out there in my price range.  I know the Vincent equipment has been recommended on and off by members. But the reviews never were convincing to me, and I don't to get on  home trial merry go round.

To Mapman, My current speakers are Golden Ear Technology 7's, but I am considering for the future, the new Magneplanar .7. which some members claim sound better than the Maggie 1.7r

   Thanks for your recommendations. 

At your budget, I realise that many integrateds and also separates would be a horizontal move. I was thinking of a much higher-end integrated than the Sphinx which would sell for about $3K+ used.

For example, Plinius...

Jim thanks.

FWIW the demo I had with Sphinx and Pharoah about a year ago was with larger newer Maggies, don’t recall which exactly. The Maggies were singing quite well with either but particularly with larger Pharoah. I did not get to compare with ARC and Rogue tube amp separates there but my dealer indicated Pharoah was his favorite. He also had comparable Sonus Faber for demo that I did not get to hear.

I owned older Maggies for many years. They are not efficient and thrived off good quality higher power amps, tube or SS, but not necessarily high current.

I have heard but am not a Goldenear Triton fan to-date but would think the Sphinx would do pretty well with those. Goldenear Aon monitors I liked a lot, though smaller.

If you are planning a move to Maggies in any case, might be worth trying the Sphinx with those first just to see.

Hi Jim,

Before I submitted my previous post I had looked at a rear panel photo of the Sphinx, as well as at the manual, and subsequent to your response I did some further Googling on the question of driving a power amp from the Sphinx’s variable line-level outputs. I had also noted that the input impedance of the Ayre V-5xe is a very easy to drive 100K. And the Ayre’s sensitivity (the input voltage required to drive it to full power) can be calculated from its power rating and its specified 26 db gain to be approximately 1.7 volts, which seems reasonable.

The bottom line is that it seems to me to be very unlikely that what I proposed would not be a suitable approach. But when you speak to Mark at Rogue you might ask him the following:

1)Are we correct in assuming that the variable line-level outputs on your version of the Sphinx are functional, e.g., that the RCA jacks are not internally connected to nothing?

2)How much gain is there between the phono inputs and those outputs?

3)How much gain is there between the line-level inputs and those outputs?

4)Would running the Sphinx with nothing connected to its speaker-level outputs have any adverse sonic effects on the variable line-level outputs?

5)Would running the Sphinx with nothing connected to its speaker-level outputs pose any threat of damage?

It seems slightly conceivable to me, although unlikely, that question 2 could turn out to be an issue, in terms of having enough gain to be able to drive the external amp to full power when using a phono source. I would be very surprised, though, and it would not speak well of the design, if the answers to any of the other questions conflicted with my suggestion.

Best regards,
-- Al