Oregonpapa 06.13.16
"Going from the red fuse to the black fuse is more of an improvement than going from the stock fuse to the red fuse"
Hafreeman 06.14.16
" I must say the improvements going from the red fuse to the black fuse is profound. The music is sweet and clear and more listenable all around"
Andynotadam 06.15.16
" The sound (of the black fuse ) is smooth, liquid, detailed and extended "
I replaced the red fuses in my Sony SACD player about a week ago and
after listening to my system this morning I can now say that I agree 100% with all the above statements.
These black fuses deserve the highest recommendation. If the audio magazines are awake, they have a moral obligation to name the Synergistic Research black fuses " Product of the Year" and " Budget Product of the Year" for 2016.
I am now salivating at the prospect of upgrading my preamp, power amp and sub-woofer with these magnificent fuses.
These fuses have my unqualified recommendation for all systems regardless of the components being used. This is a major upgrade to all power supplies and the power supply has the most consequential effects
on sound quality.
If after installation the sound is still below par, make sure your connections are correct. If they are reverse the direction of the fuses. ( I know that "theoretically" reversing fuse direction in an AC circuit should not make a difference, but is does. This is also the experience of other audiophiles in this forums. Remember, we are not privy to manufacturing process. If we were the reasons for things like this would become clear )