AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Sounds like Sunfire chokes on power also.[http://www.ultimateavmag.com/content/sunfire-ultimate-ii-av-receiver-measurements]
It hardly chokes, for your ears would give out long before the amplifiers. The Ultimate drove 7 electrostats, which was no easy task, with ease. Even your reviewer measurement emphasized how superior it was into 2 channels. These amps really do produce the goods. I only used it in my HT system, but it was the only product that ever gave me pause to question why do I invest in megabuck inventory for 2 channel only listening when I can obtain this kind of performance at this price. That's all I'm suggesting. It's a fine product, and worthy of consideration, especially if you're on a budget like most people
Seven times most parts (except overworked power supply),versus two times for a stereo amp.Would one think they are going to be of the same quality?When high volume products are sold,a fraction of a penny savings ads up to the company doing the building.The budget that these are in,will reap you more benefits building a two channel only system,IMO.The OP of the thread also included a tube amp.A receiver isn't going to come close to satisfying that customer.You might be able to get by with one yourself,but it isn't going to happen with me.I doubt this thread will convince any audiophile reading it to do so.That Sunfire can't handle 4 ohm speakers very well.That test was at 1khz,not 20-20khz.It failed on dummy loads,at 1khz,besides a lot of audiophile speakers.With a real audiophile,I can't even think of it happening.A second system,that can happen for some.Then there's the sound of it,if you can match speakers to it,that will satisfy an audiophile.Just my opinion.
The Ultimate drove 7 electrostats, which was no easy task, with ease.
I'm guessing it wasn't Martin Logans.[http://www.martinlogan.com/products/source]
As for my syntax, grammar, and or spelling prowess, let me just state for the record here that "it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care." (Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!!)
For the record, make no mistake. I have an audiophile's ear, to be certain, not an English Professors resume! Yes, pertaing to my syntax, ya know I guess if I aspired to some desk job behind a cubicle, pumping out TPS reports all day, having to anskwer to 8 different bosses, I would actually care about my grammar and spelling prowess!
You know It just never ceases to amaze me, how grown adults on an audio chat forum - when they disagree with you - are quick to go out of there way to point out how poor your grammar and puntuation cabilities are -As if any one cared, or if it actually mattered in the context of anything pertaining to pertinent knowledge or a valid opinion regarding, yes, "hi-end audio!"
For that matter, I'm going out a limb here and state that likely 95% of all former Spelling Bee champions and English teachers alike out there, actually know very little in terms of growing any real wealth! So thank you, but I'll take the CASH instead - and the pay upgrade!!! So let's just forget my future carer involving secretarial skills, and let's get back to pertinent audio chat, uuum'K?!. No offense.
Ok more importantly here, let me just state that I've had basic $5 passive volume control pots in my system, that sound FAR FAR more engaging and transparent than ANY preamp section ever produced for any Sunfire or B&K receiver- or any other AV receiver, for that matter - ever, period! And that is no joke, and I think is typical.
As good as the digital processing in todays AV technology has gotten, my position here -from almost 20 years of professional experience- is that, ANY AV receiver's basically nothing more than a bunch of "sonic compromises in a box!" -which is inevitable to make it all happen! In fact I, for one, would like to start the petition to force Wikepedia to include the word COMPROMISE, as part of the official description of "AV receiver", cause it needs to be done! Can I get an AMEN here?
I think my professional career in hi-end AV and as an audiophile hobbiest, selling, installing, and having owned some of the worlds most expensive equipment, makes my opinions and view point worthy of consideration and merit here. But then again were all just faceless audiogon posters here - so this is all just a bunch of relative perspectives here, to be true.
Back on track, my experience thus far in my audio journey is that anyone who feels that an AV receiver is a good candiate, replacement, or whatever, for a hi-end system, falls into the same catagory as those who feel that all wires and cables sound the same... all amplifiers of similar technical ratings and specifications sound the same...."a good speaker, is a good speaker" dogma practiioners, and so on! - and all these have mediocre to poor sounding systems, that are nothing special, EVERY TIME! That is fact. And their systems will never impress, are easily replaced by a good Bose system - hehe, er at least not to far from something along those lines.
So, anyone who want's to try to convice me, after all these years of experience, that their Sunfire AV receiver will replace some Levinson preamp or Boulder amp, well, you just "get on down with your bad self's!" No thanks, though. Cause I know better.
Ehem...I do enjoy a good Wilson Maxx system now and then, powered by a nice AV reciver though. I must admit...