AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Queefee, you write like a pompous, careless windbag. If you're not writing to communicate so others can understand you, why bother? If you took a little time to cleanup your writing, you'd be showing respect for your readers.

In my case, I was director of a high-tech research center that employed mostly doctoral level EEs and CSs, not a professor of English. My post-doctoral training was in binaural processing, but my real interest was in building research groups. And I did build a bit of wealth along the way. At 74, and having been in Who's Who for years, I don't feel I need your approval.

What model ML speakers? Not going against the designer recommendations of a piece of audio gear,isn't being closed minded,in my book.
Hifihvn, would you consider a receiver clipping out at 276 wpc "choking out?" I don't. The Pioneer's, Denon's, and whatever else you cited earlier all "choke out" far before that, nor would I think they'd be anywhere as musical a receiver as the Sunfire was.

My personal hands on experience stands behind the Ultimate based upon personal performance experiences, not based upon some web review measurements. Where else can one invest $675 into a $5k receiver that was capable of driving 7 Martin Logan speakers to ear shattering levels, and as if that wasn't enuf, it ran cool.

Hifihvn, what was your experience with it? Oh, you've had none? Need I say more...
Who listens only to 1khz.It appears that is where the power is.Not at the normal 20-20khz range that people try to get as close to,for reproducing music.ML speakers have a habit of dipping down to a lower impedance than that.It sounds like a total mismatch,not recommended by Bob Carver.That is the phony power loophole they are using these days.That is another reason as to why A/V receivers aren't going to replace
someones hi end two channel.No Sunfire in this HT system. Maybe you could persuade him to change over.But then,you havn't,have you?[http://www.hometheaterdesignmag.com/208great/]