Krell KPS 28C CD Player

 Hi this is a 2 part question. I Just put a down payment on a Krell KPS 28C CD player. I know it has also cast outputs as well as XLR Balanced . My system consists of B&W Matrix 800s , Krell FPB 600, Mark Levinson 38s . With Straightwire Cescendo and Virtuoso speaker cables and interconnects. My Krell and Levinson does not have cast outputs or inputs. Will i fully not benefit from not having or using cast inputs or outputs? Is it worth still buying this Krell cd player ? Also before i put the down payment on the Krell KPS 28C i was going to purchase the new Rega Saturn r. Did u think i made the right choice? Any info is very much appreciated. Mike 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
I think CAST made more relevance between KCT and FPB 700cx then from KCT to KPS 28c.
It's an OK cdp, if you don't look for a specific ideal sound.
Personally, i prefer Wadia.