What to do?

So, I purchased a Peachtree Nova 220se 4 or 5 months ago and am really happy with the sound except this is my 4th unit with the same problem.  There is a slight static / distortion coming through the speakers when I use the remote control to adjust the volume up or down.  Similar to old stereo's with dirty pots (?)...

I think Peachtree is sick of sending me new refurbished units because this time, instead of just sending me another (broken) unit, their solution now is to have me send the unit in to them for "extensive testing" or give me a full refund as long as I can find my original invoice from Underwood.

Im not quite sure what to do here.  Maybe get a refund and try the Nuprime IDA8 or...??

Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.  If I get a refund, I'll have $1200.  I'll need a dac, preamp, amp.  Integrated would be nice.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies!