Power Cord 20 amp for my Krell FPB 600 Amp.

Hello i just purchased a Krell FPB 600 Amp. Can anyone recommend a good 20 amp power cord? My system also consists of B&W 800 Matrix , Mark Levinson 38s preamp, Rega Saturn r CD Player . Straightwire Cescendo XLR and Virtuoso speaker cables . Thank you  
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Audio advisor sells a 15 amp to 20 amp adapter. This allows you to use any 15 amp power cord. This is what I use with my Krell FPB amps.
You may want to check out this thread and try one of Bob Grost's ne Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme Blue, high current power cords. Reasonable priced, and a lot of folks are dumping more popular and expensive cords in favor of these new Graphene cords/cables.

You should check out the Synergistic Research High current black power cord. Very reasonable price and a 30 day home trial.