Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt

I have access to some beautiful 2" thick hickory butcher block instead of maple any thoughts on vibration control vs maple 

I regret, the remark I made earlier, "I know what I'm talking about". I should have said, I know what I'm hearing in my system based on trying various things with my wall mount set-up:

VPI Classic 3 Sig SE
3" maple platform
Symposium Ultra
Stillpoints Ultra SS
Edensound Terestone footers
Machina Dynamica Super Stiff Springs
MANA Acoustics wall mounting system, (has extreme flexibility, can swap in and out various aftermarket footers such as Stillpoints, Edensound, spikes, etc....)

a combination of all the above, switched in and out.

I do consider the springs a "must have" for a wall mounting system.

I've personally always found that with tts especially, "life made easier" by having the flexibility to level the tt without all of the hassle of, in the case of the springs, finding the exact positioning underneath the tt for the correct level to be achieved.

It could be argued either way as to what is best, a platform under the tt or just the springs. Much more flexibility using a platform. I've made my choice and I'm very happy with it.

I was just making a rough calculation, in my head, regarding the money I've invested in audio over the last 30 years. For what it's worth:

Components/cables vs. Isolation = pretty much 50/50
Acoustic treatments, much less but have a MAJOR effect, way beyond their relative price points. The effect on musical satisfaction is out of this world when done right.

Music vs. equipment, right now, probably 60/40, leaning towards equipment. This will surely change in the opposite direction.

Happy listening all.

Also, to show I'm a believer in Geoffkait's springs, in addition to my tt set-up. I've incorporated them in my amp/power conditioner/rack set-up.

I am using a Solid Steel 5.2 rack, dedicated to my amp and my Hydra. I use a 3" maple platform with 3 Mapleshade carpet piercing footers, then I've drilled 1/8" deep mating holes for another 1& 1/2" maple platform to accommodate the (4) Super Stiff Springs. This is my support structure for the Solis Steel rack. (Still, within my rack, I have a platform for these components and high quality footers.)

Upon making these changes to accommodate the (SSPs), my system evolved tremendously!

I'm thinking about doing a similar thing with my dual subs.


To address  the question I had above...

You made a comment on TT Isolation thread, remarking about having things moving in several opposing direction/motions.

When I made reference to that thread, your first remark was "good catch".  You later posted "I dunno, what did I say in that thread"?

Some of us, including me who wonder, may find (your own) statements in conflict.

Once you seemed to recognize my remembering something you said, then you ask (me) what you said.

This is very confusing.

(I like your products that I've tried. I'm not bashing. I am just asking for clarity? To at once make a remark, seemingly admitting what you said in a recent thread, then asking me later, to tell you what you said in that thread is remarkable.)
31 posts
07-03-2016 1:09pm
"To address the question I had above...

You made a comment on TT Isolation thread, remarking about having things moving in several opposing direction/motions."

Sorry, but that doesn’t help me. I post frequently on isolation threads of which there are a bunch. If I said something that you think conflicts with something else I said I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little more specific.

"When I made reference to that thread, your first remark was "good catch". You later posted "I dunno, what did I say in that thread"?"

I originally thought you were referring to a remark about why the "twist" direction for isoaltion systems is problematic. At this point in time I still don’t know what comment that has upset you.

Astro also wrote,

"Some of us, including me who wonder, may find (your own) statements in conflict."

Actually it might only be you.  :-). Just joking.

Astro also wrote,

"Once you seemed to recognize my remembering something you said, then you ask (me) what you said.

This is very confusing.

"(I like your products that I’ve tried. I’m not bashing. I am just asking for clarity? To at once make a remark, seemingly admitting what you said in a recent thread, then asking me later, to tell you what you said in that thread is remarkable.)"

OK, why don’t you post the entire comment your referring to so at least I know what in tarnation you’re referring to. I don’t actually see any reason for all the drama. If I've made some huge error or made conflicting statements I promise I'll eat a bug.


Geoff at Machina Dynamica