What NAD amplifier to get?

I'm getting an amplifier for a third system, so wouldn't like to spend much.

My options are a NAD C350, C316BEE or a 3020D. If I stretch a bit I could get a Micromega Myamp. Last option, Audiolab M-PWR. This will be driving a B&W speaker, CDM1, but I might change this later on...

The C350 is rather old, C316BEE is discontinued and I'd have to wait a bit to get the 3020D... The C350 I could get as a good used deal locally, which is pretty rare...

I just got the CDM1 and was a bit disappointed with the sound resolution, I'm used to a better sound. So not too confident on getting an old amp, except if it's really worth it.

Feedback is appreciated,

Do you need the DAC that is provided by the 3020D? If not I would look for a used 325BEE which should run ~$200-$250 in good condition or a 326BEE for ~$100 more. What would the C350 cost you? 
The C350 would be about $300, C316BEE $400 and the 3020D I'd buy if I travel abroad... Not available in Brazil.

The better the DAC, the best, for me, as I will use it as an integrated to power a workstation keyboard.

Unfortunately the power voltage here is 110v, so I can't import directly from the UK or Europe, otherwise I'd get a Naim Nait...I also considered Rega Mira 3, but also hard to find at a good price here....
Could also get Cambridge Audio Topaz AM10 or perhaps a Yamaha S301 for a little more