Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers


Does anyone has any experience with matching Pass Labs XA30.5 poweramp with Avantgarde Acoustic Duo speakers?

The XA30.5 is getting great reviews all the time but in my part of the world it's a little hard (say impossible) to audition on my Avantgarde speakers before buying.

My plan is to drive the XA30.5 directly from my dCS Debussy dac.


Best regards,
The Norwegian
Fascinating and highly informative discussion-especially for those contemplating solid-state amps with high efficiency speakers. As impressed as I am with the performance and value of the Pass XA30.5 and the hands down raves that the XA30.8 has received, has anyone with AvantGarde or other >95db speakers driven them with the First Watt J2?

I live in a co-op unit and my room is only 19 x 14 x 8.5. My speakers are well over 93db and the impedance certainly won’t drop much below 8 ohms. I have to consider the neighbors’ ears-and mine, so I’d want my average listening levels to be where my midwoofers play down to 70Hz at about 72db max. That’s because I’d want 70Hz to be equally loud to my ears as would a 1Khz pure tone’s level at between about 57db and 62db max, as per the (2003 revised) Fletcher-Munson curve.

Hopefully, I’m interpreting the Fletcher-Munson effect correctly.....??

My midwoofers are cut off below 70Hz, where my pair of Jim Salk Rythmik powered subs take over. So my mains in my size room need all but flea power. The single -ended J2 does 25 wpc into 8 ohms; 13.5 wpc into 4 ohms. But the big question is how does the J2 perform subjectively? Does it have a 3D soundstage and with extension beyond the speakers? What of its imaging and spatial placement of vocals and instruments? Do its highs sound too bright or brittle, or sweet and airy? Does the midrange have the holographic magic of a 300B SET amp? Does it do midbass with authority down to 70Hz?11

I hope to own a good 300B SET amp or even mono blocks in the near future, and by all accounts even those in the $5.5K range would smoke all but the very best solid-state amps in terms of subjective sound quality, at least with speakers and rooms like mine.

But has anyone here used the First Watt J2? And please also recommend a 300B SET power amp or mono blocks ~ $5.5K. My DAC likely be the Exasound e22. Thanks.
Hello ajant,
Get in touch with audiogon member Snopro. He has the First Watt J2 (and I believe also the Pass Labs XA 30.8 ) as well as a Coincident 300b mono block SET. He had them driving Zu speakers but now has the Horning Eufrodite speakers. I’m sure he can provide you with valuable insight.