Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I received my two SR Black outlets today and I have to say that they are not outwardly impressive in any way. Black plastic, a steel back-strap stamped "spec grade" and the code-required tamper-resistant nylon "shutters" over the hot and neutral slots. About the only externally visible mod is what may be black UEF paint on the heads of the hot terminal screws. I'm planning on installing them tomorrow, replacing the existing PS Audio Power Ports as the first receptacles in line with each of my two dedicated 20 amp circuits. Updates promised.

The crazy thing I did today (or maybe just one of the crazy things I did today) was to install two 14 pound 12" x 8" x 2" Himalayan salt blocks under my Primaluna tube monos. The amps have long been supported on Herbie's Balls and Iso Cups which in turn were placed on three smallish granite tiles I used to "couple" them to my living room's oriental rug. It has always sounded pretty good to me (and better than the amps just plopped on the carpet), but changing to the salt slabs clearly exposed a significant weakness to this approach.  

The soundstage expanded yet again in all dimensions with rock (salt) solid edge-less images floating within and even better bass depth and definition--akin to the sonic improvements generated by the SR Black fuses (hello, almost-the-original-thread-topic!), the HFTs, the Atmosphere and the FEQ.

The simple explanation for this is that by substituting a single fairly massive slab base under the three-point Herbie's footers was way better than my three tiles on the carpet approach. In fact I have long considered what chunk of something I could cost-effectively place under the amps, be it granite, butcher block, acrylic, etc. And it's probably true that by ditching the tiles in favor of almost any kind of slab would make for better sonics. Science demands I experiment further (with other slabs or other footers), but at present I am disinclined.

So, why did I choose the salt blocks? I can't quite remember how I got the idea (they're advertised for cooking), but at about $60 for two, I figured I couldn't lose as I could always gift them to my cooking-nerd friends if they didn't improve things audio-wise. From an audio voo-doo perspective, salt is said to have a resonance very near the Schumann Resonance of the earth, which just happens to be the (claimed) operating mechanism of the SR Atmosphere and FEQ field generators, not to mention that they generate negative (good) ions when heated, pretty much making me a genius and finally providing the sure-fire path to fame and riches that has always eluded me.

Or perhaps not...


Nice post, Andy ...

You just never know what will affect the sound either negatively or positively. Salt blocks ... who-da thunk it?  :-)

I'm really looking forward to your assessment of the two SR outlets as they break in. They're on my bucket list.

I tried putting granite slabs under my speakers, spiking the slabs to the floor (raised foundation), and then spiking the speakers to the granite slabs.  I was looking for a way to improve the bass.  Well, it improved the mids and the highs, but the bass became almost nonexistent. So then I got the idea of ordering two Mapleshade maple platforms and tried them in the same way.

Walla!  Great bass and an overall improvement throughout the full range. The granite slabs are now on top of the speakers and they fit the exact dimensions of the speaker tops. The added weight of the granite slabs add to the mass of the speakers and give a further improvement, especially in the area of overall clarity. 
At the moment, I'm breaking in two of the Von Gaylord 7000 IC's and a pair of their biwired speaker cables.

So far, I'm getting fantastic results with only about 50 hours on them. The Von Gaylord cables require about 200 hours to sound their best. I'll start a new thread about them in the cable forum when they're broken in.   At 50 hours they are stomping all over the wires they replaced, and those were no slouches at all ... not by a long shot. 

Hang in there ... and happy listening. 


The Synergistic Research Black duplex may well have started out as a Pass-Seymour outlet. Then SR takes that outlet and does several thing to make it sound better.

The SR Tesla Plex  apparently starts out as a Levitron hospital grade outlet and then is modified to sound better.

Porter outlets takes a Hubell outlet and then cryo treats it to get a better sound. 

PS Audio sells their outlets that look like the main bodies are the same as Furutech"s. It sounds different than a Furutech.

All of these outlets sound quite different than the outlets sold at Lowes.

I am very impressed with the sonic qualities that the Synergistic Research Black outlet imparts to a system. I think the sonic gains I have obtained with the Black outlet are worth the price.

I do think the changing the wall outlet produces a greater sonic change than most tube rolling does. Each type outlet will have it's own sonic signature. It is tedious and time consuming but for my audiophile education, it has been worth the effort to audition  many outlets.

Excellent listening to all this week.

David Pritchard

Yes, the SR is much different, according to their website they do this:

Conditioned with a proprietary treatment that alters the conductor at the crystal structure and then treated with 2,000,000 volts of electricity which alters the conductor at the molecular level, the Synergistic Research Black Duplex is truly state-of-the-art. Materials include UEF Coatings and Graphene with 8-million times the conductive density of copper. Synergistic Research’s new UEF Black Quantum Duplex will revolutionize the way you plug in and tune out!