What is Technics thinking?

Lots has been said, both pro and con, about the new Technics turntable.  Description here -


Some are excited about the potential, given the upgrades since their last production table/arm, the venerable SL-12XX series.  Others see it simply as an excuse to raise the price significantly of the 1200s.

In my view they shot themselves in the foot.  They copied the model number of their best selling table (I can only imagine in the hope the familiarity will carry over) and also ended up with a very similar appearance.  Given the information on all the upgrades over their prior model, the similarities make it appear like something less than what it might be.

Technics had a room at THE Show Newport and that was my first chance to see a SL-1200GAE.  The fit and finish appeared to be very good but it did look like a "polished up" SL-12XX.  I ask the Technics rep why they didn't do more to distinguish this as a new model, given their efforts with engineer upgrades.  He said he could understand my question but then really didn't offer a reasonable explanation.  After describing all the components which had been redesigned/upgraded from the prior model he offered a demo.  However the room was crowded and the remainder of the system was completely unfamiliar, so no fair impression could be made.

I believe it should have had a more unique model designation and more might have been done to the physical package so it didn't look so much like the prior model.

What is Technics thinking?

IMO, they were thinking. Audio-Technica and others have a niche market for “Utility Turntables” (UT). With Pioneer’s decision to get in the game with it’s own UT, Technics may have felt they could do better and at the same time make a little money. The sales figures, reviews and customer comments appear to show they hit the nail on the head. Also, I think the timing was perfect.

I own a Technics SL-1210 MKII and it saddens me that if my 1210 dies, I may not be able to afford one of their new TT’s. Yet, I am happy to see Technics back in the game and making products worthy of displaying that well respected Technics logo.

What is Technics Thinking? ( Panasonic Corporation )

For starters the Panasonic Executives had to be convinced that the Technics Brand could once again turn a profit. No small feat considering the inertia involved in starting a project of this size.

It’s obvious by their own words that the new Technics Executives all have a passion for music. Something we all have in common ... or there would be no dialog here.

Here is a deeper look (30 min) into the new Technics Company.

I for one am glad that Technics is back.

thanks for a link to this long Technics Company video, great experience.

A close look at the video above should dispel any myth that the the SL-1200GAE has much to do with the original. This being most obvious to those with intimate knowledge of the plastic guts inside the original mass produced SL-1200.

The direct drive motor is a brand new design, the hybrid platter is 3 times heavier & spun balanced. The arm while also similar looking, is actually a new design with new tooling, notice how it sits inside its own sub assembly. The plinth is twice the weight and rests on machined tuned sprung feet. This table is more the evolution of the SP10MK2 with a SL1200 wrapper.

If you stop the pictures in my slide show you’ll can see even more details. The platter is now screwed down to the motor. There are now 2 aux weights, you can balance cartridge/headshells up to 28.5 grams. Notice there’s even a USB input under the platter to upgrade the software inside the table. If the 1200G turns out to be the last turntable Technics ever builds, then perhaps it strikes the perfect balance.

Visual appearance aside, more importantly it sounds like a brand new design. While it’s going to take me a while to get my head wrapped around the sonic performance of the 1200GAE, its safe to say there’s serious potential.

Last night I couldn’t get the Kondo IO on song mounted to the stock Technics head-shell. With some tweaking I was able to get the Ortofon Vienna/magnesium head-shell to sing. By this I mean music was playing in my room ... not HI-FI.

Right now the table is coming off a bit hot in my system but I will get it dialed in and report back with results.