Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 
Halo all the way. Many of us will agree that we don't need that much current, but it's nice to have that kind of power on tap when we ask for it. Currently driving the LS50s. The wife gives a dirty look every time I reach a quarter of that volume knob.
@Also bought mine at Safe & Sound in Chicopee, MA. Mike and Dave were a pleasure to deal with.
I couldn't remember the name of the store, but Mike and Dave were indeed a pleasure to deal with.  I also paid 2,200.00 for it, not 2,100.00 for it as I first stated.  I looked up the receipt to be sure.  It was the drive back to RI that made me decide to buy a new car.  I had a 09 Civic SI with the 6 speed manual and I was in a traffic jam on the Mass Pike 3 times!  Seems they were down to 1 lane on the bridges.  My leg was killing me from the stop & go traffic and  constantly using the clutch.  By the time I got home, it felt like my leg would fall off.  I bought a new car the very next day.
Musical Fidelity for hifi and Parasound for home theater.. got the point ?

There are actually many so-called hi end (unreasonable expensive)amps that doesn't even come close to what Musical Fidelity or even QUAD could produce, sonically..

M6 is a good choice. And if cost is no object, try Naim or Sugden Masterclass amps and see what you've been missing. 

Listen to the music, not the name..