$6 Million Dollar Man?

Hope you saw on HGTV the guy in Redding Ct with a $6 million system. It included $1 million of tube Mac amps, $1 million of speakers and his own dual NASA power supply transformers. The electric bill was $1,000 a month just for the system, which when you think about it was rather inexpensive. We need to get this fellow to put up his system on the 'gon, as it will assign all the rest of us to the hopeless class.
Here is a link to a picture.


What do you think. After watching the HGTV show of million plus homes, I would go for the one with the indoor shooting range, unbelievable what our passion will lead you too.
I'm thinking that he could greatly improve his sound by upgrading his speaker cables?

Did the story say anything about how much effort/research was put into choosing the gear/setup or did he just want a bunch of speakers?

The odd thing is that most blu-ray disks are still only 5.1 with a few being 7.1 and even less possibly more than that? So what's the point of having more speakers that possible channels?

I also doubt that much 2 channel listening goes on in the room so the term audiophile probably is somewhat misapplied.

Looks a bit like a "mine's bigger than yours" type of rig.

Having said all of this, I'd be happy to watch a movie there, but I'd probably bring ear plugs just in case it's too loud.