Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 
Musical Fidelity for hifi and Parasound for home theater.. got the point ?

There are actually many so-called hi end (unreasonable expensive)amps that doesn't even come close to what Musical Fidelity or even QUAD could produce, sonically..

M6 is a good choice. And if cost is no object, try Naim or Sugden Masterclass amps and see what you've been missing. 

Listen to the music, not the name..
I've owned the Parasound P5 and A23 separates.  They sound pretty decent.  I'm glad the P5 has bass and treble controls.  My speakers need a bit of EQ-ing.  I'd boost the bass up a bit and the treble down a bit.

I don't know about the Musical Fidelity stuff; I've never heard any.

Saying that...I used to have a Modwright KWI 200 integrated and a pair of Legacy Focus SE speakers.  It was an incredible system!  The KWI 200 has a huge amount of capacitance to handle the peaks.  It was a wonderfully smooth-sounding integrated.  Not harsh, not muddy.  I'd play it really loud and it would still sound nice and clear.  Bass would shake the room.