cousinbillyl, What you described is exactly what I was trying to convey. I assume since your thoughtful answer detailed my concerns, you have thought about it as well.
cleeds, Yes, these things are checked often.
dcbingaman, Your "solution" is very expensive but under consideration regarding future purchases.
All, I've really paid attention, even more, to speaker adjustments. I can say, the issue is not noticed as much as when I first posted, but still there on occasion. I have been tinkering around with acoustic treatments as well. The sonics have been improved greatly. This revelation may have an additional affect of being more sensitive to "this issue"? Thanks!
cleeds, Yes, these things are checked often.
dcbingaman, Your "solution" is very expensive but under consideration regarding future purchases.
All, I've really paid attention, even more, to speaker adjustments. I can say, the issue is not noticed as much as when I first posted, but still there on occasion. I have been tinkering around with acoustic treatments as well. The sonics have been improved greatly. This revelation may have an additional affect of being more sensitive to "this issue"? Thanks!