Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
It's even worse than I thought with this thread.  The OP is a guy with  78 year old ears claiming to have Xman level hearing and talking about how Ted of Synergistic Research deserves a Nobel Prize.

Do you have any clue how big a fool you're making of yourself posting this stuff every day?

Unfortunately for you, I was at Newport and heard the ridiculous Synergistic presentation.  I was front and center for the A/B test.

Because I studied psychology and know subliminal marketing techniques like NLP, I could write exactly what your used car salesman friend tries to do.  However, it will probably be over your head.

On a primitive level, it should have been easy for anyone to see.  Use great actual electronic devices from companies like Berkeley, Soulution, and Magico...then throw in your tweaks to make it seems like they are somehow the reason for great sound.  Usually he does this with his traveling Macintosh amps and Magico speakers.  This time he was able to partner with a local dealer and get even better gear to make his "tweaks" look good.

Forget theory though and arguing about it.  Let's just cut to the chase.  How many of the shoe box sized passive devices did you buy after hearing the demo?  You claim to be so amazed by the room and attribute it to Synergistic Research, so exactly how many of them did you buy?  I found no one who bought one, but maybe you're the first.

Do you even know physics and realize how big those boxes would have to be to attenuate bass frequencies on a passive basis?  If not, maybe you should have walked right across the hall and listened to the foremost room correction expert speak during one of the educational sessions.

I realize this is falling on deaf ears with you (literally), so I'm done with your nonsense and delusion.  Spend your money however you want and keep living on this thread touting what a great purchase you made everyday.  

As for others who commented, it's flattering that some went through my past posts and found I liked Steve McCormack and then researched where Steve likes certain fuses.

I know Steve and even been to his house to pick up one of my 5 amps I've had from him.  I spoke to him at CES this year and we correspond through email.  I won't speak for him, but he has NEVER recommended Synergistic Reaearch fuses to me EVER.  He has also never mentioned ###hour breakin needed for a fuse. 

If he ever did, I would strongly disagree, so don't try charade tactics to make everything he says attributable to me...especially when he has given ZERO endorsement to the brand we're talking about here.

Since you don't want to break open SR devices, here's a great exercise you can do.  Buy the SR outlet and then buy a Furutech outlet.  You won't even have to break into anything to see the obvious difference in quality.  This will also explain why someone like Steve McCormack might like Furutech fuses, but has never mentioned anything to me about SR.
Post removed 
Andynotadam  7.12.16

"One thing that has struck me as I added the SR Black fuses and now at about 150 hours with the Black Outlets is that undesirable artifacts that I previously attributed to various forms of physical resonance (speaker, room, component, etc), were more accurately lying in the supply of electrical power to my system."

Same here. The only difference is that I ALWAYS blamed my Audioquest  Cheetah interconnect cable.  I promise to apologize to this cable before the end of today. It is not perfect but it has been a loyal friend for close to a decade and deserve respect.
Andynotadam   7.12.16

"One of my all time faves, Holly Cole's "Temptation."

Your honor " I am guilty as charged. I just could not help my-self. She was so beautiful "
The point of the McCormack comments is he clearly recognized the significant improvement in sound quality with use of premium fuses in place of the stock fuse. No one suggested he was specifically referring to the SR fuses.

The derogatory and very personal comments towards Frank (Oregonpapa ) are childish and completely unwarranted. I don’t understand such bitterness and vitriol expressed due to a difference of opinion on the merits of SR fuses/products This is bizarre.