Upsetting story looking for a solution

Right to it. My granddaughter stuck a finger through both berlynium tweeter covers on my Q5 speakers. I live in NJ. I contacted Magico. They are short of $1500 each. Plus shipping and labor. Magico does not sell the covers separately. They are part of the tweeter I am told. They vibrate  on high frequencys I am told as well. Anyone have any experience or possible options for me? I am considering replacing on my own. Just seems insane for the cover. I have played tracks 4, 5 and 6 on The Ultimate Anologue test LP with what seems like great results. Am I missing something? Any info, ideas or solutions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The physical labor involved in replacing those was actually something i was worried about. It's one giant aluminum baffle. 

It looks like Magico is doing some custom mounting, so they are probably removing the entire mounting plate on the original tweeter, and had no place to put the original screen, and then decided it looked or sounded better. 

But these are high-end speakers, you have to be prepared for high-end repairs. Sorry!!

This is why I make my own. :)

Are you sure Grandma had nothing to do with this? I know my wife is not that thrilled about my audiophile equipment, but hopefully not to point of destruction! $$$$$$$