Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review

Im happy you like your older gear don_c55 I'm sure it's just as enjoyable!

Yes indeed new ARC gear goes beyond caps...

It was awesome to see the process from inside the factory tour with Fremer. 

I've listened to a lot of different equipment and I'm throughly amazed just how good their new products are! 


I have owned many old ARC pieces, but only have one SP9 MKIII left, that is not used.

I use all Pass Labs amplification now, and prefer them over ARC.
Pass is good stuff! Tried some of their stuff as well. In the end I always end up coming back to tubes. :)

I do not like the reliability issues, and changing sound quality of tube power amps.

My Pass Labs XA.5 amps sound better than tubes.

To each their own.
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