Which Class D Amp did you buy Eric?
Should I buy a Class A Amp.
Hi, although I like Krells very much there were only two that were real Class A the other were either "high" biased into Class A or sliding (plataue) bias types. These two Krell that were real Class A were the ones that were fan forced cooled (no heatsinks on the outside) and were the KSA-50 and KSA-100 which may have come as monoblock form as well. http://www.stereophile.com/solidpoweramps/985krell/#wCIDLgktMRqomRuM.97 http://img.canuckaudiomart.com/uploads/large/853586-krell-ksa-100-mk2-completely-rebuilt.jpg Cheers George |
Hi Don! Like my speakers, I rolled my own. :) I came across a great deal on used, stock ICEPower 250ASP modules, and put them together with Chinese sourced cases and silver signal wire. Originally I was going to use the ICEPower units to power my HT speakers, so Center and Surround, but I ended up with six amp modules instead of three. I had a Parasound A23 amplifier at the time, about the same rated power, but idle was 140 Watts, vs. 30 for the ICEPower pair. I honestly could hear no difference at all between the two amplifiers, so I kept the cheap small cold one's and use them exclusively. With a little more funding I might have played with warming up the sound a bit, but having just moved, I just don't have the time or space. Best, Erik |
Ahhh, right, Krell's sliding bias thing. Still, my point, and really my only point, is don't be mesmerized by a technology. Just because an amp says "Class F" or "Zero Feedback" is rarely a reason you should personally buy one or the other. Use your ears,and don't spend money unless the differences you hear are worth the spend. Best, Erik |