Help wanted: Bass!

I’m in need of augmenting the bass in my system. I’m the old school type and would rather NOT go the sub route.

My system and environment:
• Pre:   Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS
• Pwr:   Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono Blocks
• Pwr Condtnr: Shunyata Hydra
• Speakers: Tannoy Kensingtons
• Cabeling: Stealth PGS IC’s, Vandenhull Bi-wire Speaker wiring
• Sources: Conrad Johnson DV-2B CD Player, SOTA Star w/SME arm w/Grado cart, Magnum Dynalab Tube Tun 
• Music:   Classic Rock, Easy listening, Female Jazz singers, Classical
• Room:   Big (25 X 30) w/cathedral ceiling. Harwood floors/ceiling and big glass windows. Rugs and furniture

Came across the Emerald Physics Bass Manager claims to add 1/2 octave of bass to any speaker. IYO, could that be a solution? Are there similar helpers like this out there? Not much in the budget (about $500) for a near-term purchase. Could double that for a longer-term.

Again, not wanting to go the sub route unless I have too. Can’t do room treatments or alter room configuration (it’s our living room) either.

Any thoughts/suggestions will be greatly appreciated – thank you!

Appears the obvious sure-fire solution would be a sub. Get over my resistance I say to myself!

Question: I'm currently running bi-wire to the Kensingtons. How would this be configured with a sub? Or should that be two subs?? Can the concept of bi wiring still exist with a sub???

Thanks all! I really appreciate the responses!  
Post removed 
Hehehe, well, if you are going the sub route, that means you can add a miniDSP in the sub's chain, without disturbing your mains.  Excellent..... :)


All right, this discussion thread has brought me to now wanting to look at subs. 

I do not see  "subs" as a sub-category (no pun intended) under the speaker category. How do I find them on Audiogon? I did a key word search of "sub" and came up with about a page worth's. Is that the best I can do?

One other question: What's "standard practice"... One sub or two?



Do get the knowledge to try to change the speaker output impedance taps yourself first, before spending any money.
You have 4 different ones to try and you maybe surprised as the ported 10" Kensingtons have usable output down to 20hz (-10db). See frequency response, 1st graph near the bottom, the red trace is the port bass output, the green trace is the drivers output, if you visualize the two added together, you see you do have quite good LF bass.

Cheers George