Should I buy a Class A Amp.

I would Love to buy a Class A Amp. I have a Sony Tan-80ES Amp right now and I have had it for 19 yrs. To me it sounds Great but I am curious about Class A Amps. Do they really sound better? I am looking at a Krell KSA 200 Amp right now for $2000.00. It is older then my Sony. Is this too much for such an old Amp? Would Love to hear members thoughts on this.  

Blessings, ..........Don.
Well if you have techie near-by that you trust, If you live in colder zones and need extra heat, you should go for powerful class A amp.
nutty " ... My Mark Levinson no. 334, the "Voltage Gain Stages" are biased to operate in a full class A mode ... Laws of physics cannot be denied. The Levinson no. 336 draws 50 amperes at 120v ... "
That seems very dubious. It surely can’t draw 50A from a 20A line. How do you have this amplifier connected to AC?
I have a Rega R CD Player a Rega R Dac a Thorens 160B Turntable with a SME 3009 series 2 improved tonearm with a Grado Platinum Cart.  I also have Tara Labs Interconnects and finally Luminous Silver Speaker Cable. No Power Cords except the ones that came with the Components.

Ayre cx7emp, CD OEM power cord
Classe CP60 , Nordost Brahma power cord
Mark Levinson no 334, Voodoo cable Fire power cord, 8awg
Totem hawk speakers

Straigtwire Crescendo balanced interconnects
(Sometimes I run Audioquest Cheetah silver interconnects w/dbs)
Audioquest Gibralter speaker wire, 2 full shotgun runs for true biwire.
(I’m waiting for Paul at Clear Day to send me some cables for demo)