+1 Thank you Al.
I’ll wait for your findings as well...
In the meantime I located the website for Todd transformers I mentioned before, the unit is called 3 tap (which I mistakenly wrote prong!) and this co. Has been around for forty years...
anywho, here is a bit from them:
http://www.toddsystems.com/geninfo.html"No transformer of any type can change frequency. Frequency is unimportant to the normal operation of most loads: most motor driven loads will simply run at a slightly different speed than they did at their rated frequency; simple heating equipment (broilers, coffee pots, etc.) will operate with no problem at all. However, motor loads whose proper operation depends upon frequency, such as clocks, turntables, timers, cassette players, etc. must be converted for voltage with a transformer and then also have their gears and/or pulleys changed for speed correction.
Some motor loads are heat sensitive to frequency changes. To avoid overheating sensitive motors, such as those that continuously stop and start, or run non-stop -- refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, shop equipment, etc., it is good practice to run 60 Hz motors at 10% less voltage when operated on 50Hz (e.g. 115 V 60 Hz equipment should operate at 100 - 105 V at 50 Hz). Conversely, to obtain full power from a 50 Hz motor operated on 60 Hz, it is necessary to supply it with 10% extra voltage (e.g. 220 V at 50 Hz should be operated at 250 - 260 V at 60 Hz)."...
lastly, I’ve seen people stating that they’re using external transformers with an amp just like mine (Levinson 532h) overseas with no issues... So I’m thinking that this may be more of an issue with TT, tape decks etc.?...
l'll wait for Al’s inputs...
thanks again